Ants, Canning & Wisdom

Hello dear friends,

Autumn has arrived in its full brilliant glory and I relish its visit. I wish it would stay much longer than winter as there is still so much to be done in and around the house.

Along with the outdoor chores that need to be done, I’m also busy putting up a few batches of our favorite Vanilla Bean apple slices. Thank you Carol from Thrifty Chic Housewife for the delicious recipe!

Nothing smells better than vanilla, cinnamon and apples!

And yet, while my days seem to be busy from daylight to dusk, I make it a point to spend a little extra time with Lord, asking for His direction for the upcoming months, “Lord, what do I need to stock up on? Where are we lacking in supplies? What will we need in the upcoming months?  Lord please show me where I should spend our money and on which items. Guide me every step of the way.”

Like most of you, I have a fairly good idea what we do and don’t have. But I’m also human which means just when I think I have all my bases covered, in truth, I don’t.

Which is why I choose to see this as a perfect opportunity to partner with the Lord. He knows all of our needs before they happen and He knows exactly what we have, physically and financially today and what we will need in the future. He also knows how to prepare our hearts for what may lie ahead.

God repeatedly tells us in Proverbs that wisdom belongs to the Lord and if we seek Him, He will be found. Proverbs also reminds us that wisdom cries out an invitation for those to join her at the table. But here’s the catch, you must be willing to admit that you need help, sit at the table with the Lord and invite His wisdom into our lives.

I get that we live in a society that demands and expects that we know it all, do it all and never make a mistake.

Well… that certainly isn’t me. I make mistakes all the time. Ok, daily.

My relationship with God is my single most important relationship

God doesn’t think I’m a slacker or incompetent simply because I’m coming to Him for wisdom and insight. His word promises just the opposite. When we turn to the Lord in all areas of our lives we’re admitting our need and reliance on our heavenly Father. It gives you and I a chance to build a deeper trusting relationship with Him.

When verses like this one from Proverbs 6:6 ““Go to the ant you sluggard, consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores up its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” ~ Proverbs 6:6-8, catch my attention, I know there’s a reason the Holy Spirit is bringing it to mind. God is asking me to pay attention, seek Him for wisdom and then take action.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel overwhelmed, I do.

Especially when we’ve been hit with job loss and illness. Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us not to worry but to focus on thanksgiving and prayer. Besides, who needs more worry?!

What we really need is peace, guidance and the reassurance that we are not alone.

Dear friends, God is always with us and for us and the more time we spend with God, seeking to understand His character and His will for our lives the more we are changed by His love and direction. To that end, He takes our lives and uses it to not change us but the lives around you: our husbands, children, grandbabies, friends, you name it.

So how do you get started?

Easy. Go to a quiet place, where you can share your heart in private and tell God what’s on your heart. Tell Him your worries and ask Him for guidance.

Now, typically I make it a point to sit with the Lord in the morning, while our home is still quiet. I have my bible, a journal and pen. Some days my pages are filled with thanksgiving. Others days the pages are warped with tears from my heartache and fears.  With each moment I spend with Him, He draws me closer. His Word speaks to me through the verses and inevitably just like the one listed above, my attention is drawn to an area that needs work.

Friends can I tell you that every single day I do this, the verses I meditate on are the exact ones I need throughout my day to sustain me? It really is quite amazing how will use our time together to share His will for us, even if it’s canning and restocking the home or more serious matters like dealing with a more personal issue within our family. No matter what it is, God is there, waiting to carry your burden and guide your way.

Just trust Him with your heart.

Friends, thank you for visiting with me in this moment. I pray the good Lord will become your most precious Friend and Confidante. I also pray that you will grow in His word each time you seek Him for wisdom and walk it out in obedience. I pray He will bless and protect your lives and prove Himself to you in areas that you are struggling.

May you enjoy these moments you have been gifted. Until next time dearest, enjoy the beauty and bounty of the season.

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