A Broken Life Made Whole

Recently, we were honored to attend a friend’s memorial service for their mother.

As we entered the sanctuary a beautiful family photo was on the overhead screen. It was a beautiful image of what we saw lived out each week when we gathered for church.

However, it wasn’t until Jane*, (names changed to protect the privacy of our friends), the daughter-in-law of the decedent began to speak did we learn their family was just like many of our own.

Jane* prefaced her eulogy with the following statement, “Before I begin, I feel I should warn you that what I’m about to say about my mother-in-law Sharon*, may be rather controversial and painful to hear for those of you who have wonderful, loving relationships with your family members. Ours… unfortunately, was one marred by hurt, distrust, anger, and pain.

Fighting back tears, Jane* went on to explain that she and her husband had tried endlessly to build a bond with Sharon* but something in her mother-in-law’s past had caused her to become a difficult person to love. In fact, Jane mentioned her husband’s efforts stating, “he is the most forgiving person I have ever known.”

I believe Jane did everyone in attendance a great service with her transparency of their family dynamic. It was riddled with heartache and hardship and loving perseverance.

We don’t need to remain in our brokenness as Sharon did, hurting and lashing out at those who try to love us. Instead we can be changed to love deeper and with a forgiving heart just as Christ did through Jane and her husband.

Jane shared how thankful she was for Jesus. Because although Sharon’s life was riddled with heartache, she loved Jesus. And because of her love for Him, she was no longer in pain. She was completely whole because of the love of Christ. The Sharon we all knew no longer existed. The moment she passed, she left all of that behind her and entered heaven whole. She didn’t carry her pain into heaven.

All because of the blood of Christ.

What a beautiful reminder that the Sharon we knew on earth is not the Sharon in heaven. She’s been made new. And one day, just like Sharon we too will pass and the moment we do, we too leave behind all our brokenness, pain and sorrow and embrace God’s love, wholeness, and joy.

Which leads me to think…will we even recognize one another?

I believe we will. But not because of our past but because of whom we love.


In the meantime, as we walk this earth, Jane’s words remind me that we all need Him. We need the love, grace, and forgiveness of Christ.

If we can begin looking at ourselves and others through the eyes of Christ and not through the damaged lenses of sin, we will be changed. We can begin to understand that we all come from a place of brokenness. None of us have this thing called life down pat and perfected.

With Jesus there is healing and hope. We do not have to remain shattered. We can walk in the way God designed us, to love Him and to serve those around us.

What hope springs forth from God!

This is my prayer for us, that Christ would change our sight so that we would begin to see ourselves and others as God intended and not through the tainted view of sin and pain.

Remember, His Word says that God does not look on man as we do, He looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7) And thus, should be our guiding step towards our relationships.

I pray today and moving forward the good Lord would allow us to be changed by His Son Jesus so that we may give to others what He has so abundantly given to us, forgiveness, grace, love, and hope.

Until next time,

May God bless and keep you in His arms.

Psalm 103:2-5

Bless the Lord, my soul;
    and do not forget all his gifts,
Who pardons all your sins,
    and heals all your ills,
Who redeems your life from the pit,
    and crowns you with mercy and compassion,
Who fills your days with good things,
    so your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

You Are Redeemable

Did you know that? Do you believe it?

Up until this moment, I’ve heard it a thousand times and probably never truly believed it.

Here’s how this lightning bolt of truth hit me.

This morning I read Job 19:25-27,25 I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth.26 And after my skin has been destroyed, yetin my flesh I will see God;27 I myself will see Him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!”

Did you catch it? Those precious words of promise?

my Redeemer lives.

I felt my heart race as I read and re-read those words over until it clicked. Somewhere between my hard head and hurting heart, it clicked. I, we, are redeemable.

Let me be straight with you friend, I’ve spent my whole life feeling like the lyrics from Casting Crowns song, “Nobody,” 

Why you ever chose me

Has always been a mystery

All my life I’ve been told I belong

At the end of the line

With all the other not-quites

With all the never-get-it-rights

That’s me over and over. The same way, forever. I’m not a good enough supervisor, co-worker, daughter, sister, wife, mother, daughter-in-law…you name the title, I’m sure I’ve heard a slight against whatever expectation was laid down and how I failed to live up to it.

Truth is, I’m human, I make mistakes and disappoint others. According to the world, my mistakes make me disposable.

But…we are NOT! We are redeemable!

In God’s eyes, we are perfect because of Jesus. We are forgiven, redeemable and loved. His sacrifice on the cross paved the way to walk with Him back to God’s open arms.

Is this a magic wand to wave over our lives and poof! all of the old tapes, negativity and nasty influences in our lives are gone? Oh, how I wish that was true. But it’s not. We’re going to repeat bad behavior, upset ourselves and others.

The key is remembering and accepting that God says we are redeemable.

God, as our redeemer, is quick to forgive when we ask. He’s also good about not leaving us where we are. In fact, because of Jesus, you can count on God growing us by using the good and yes, even the bad in our lives for good.

Doesn’t make sense does it? I know! Here’s something else that doesn’t make sense, Romans 8:28 reminds us,And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Key words to remember: all things. In God’s amazing love He can take everything that’s happened in our lives and turn it all for good.

Also, the latter part of the verse says, “called according to His purpose.”

Oh yeah! There’s another promise. He’s going to take my mistakes, my faults, my ups and downs, my entire life and turn it all for good because He has a plan and purpose for our lives!

That right there is some powerful stuff to drink into our souls.

So how do we get from where we are right this minute to redeemable?

Simply accept it.

Choose to listen to Truth instead of lies.

He loves us. He has a plan for you.

When you think no one else in this world loves you, God does.

When you think you are too far gone, made too many mistakes and ain’t fit for this world, think again! You are loved! You are redeemed! And God Almighty is your Redeemer!

Do you know what redeemer means?

Redeemer in Hebrew means, one charged with the duty of restoring the rights of another and avenging his wrongs.

Jesus offered His very life in order to restore us as God’s perfect children. Redeeming us from sin and making us whole.

Girl, you are precious in His eyes. You are His beloved child. Jesus died for you so that you could fulfill God’s perfect plan for your life.

Is that a little much to take in? I get it. There are days when you find yourself a little worse for the wear because of life.

But the bottom line doesn’t change.

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand”  ~ John10:28

God’s promises still stand. We are redeemable!

Friend, I am praying for you. If you struggle to rid yourself of old habits that keep tripping you up in life. If you find yourself repeating old behaviors and listening to those who would seek the worst for you, turn around and take one step towards Jesus.

You don’t have to have all the answers, save one. Jesus. Accept Him. Invite Him into your life and I promise, it will never be the same again. He is our Redeemer who promises us that we are redeemable. Place your heart in His hands and know that He will never let you go.

You’ve got this!

I’m praying for you always.

With love,

A Love So Great

Last night during our weekly bible study of Hebrews with Pastor Derwin Gray, he shared John 19:29-30, “A jar full of sour wine was there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth.When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

The word wine caught my attention immediately. Which was weird because I’ve read this passage many times, but this time was different.

The Holy Spirit wanted me to sit up and pay attention.

Why? What was so important about wine in this passage?

My mind reeled with questions. The bible study quickly faded to the background as I grabbed my bible and cross referenced the word wine. Somewhere I remembered reading about beer and wine, but I couldn’t remember why or for what reason until I found Proverbs 31:6, “Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish;”

Wait a minute. What?!

Oh, my goodness! My heart skipped a beat.

Look at the verse again in the context of the crucifixion. Jesus’ body was perishing, yes, so they could’ve served Him beer to help anesthetize the pain, but…here’s the kicker, someone in the crowd realized that not only was Christ’s body perishing due to the brutality of his beating, but they recognized His pain was much deeper.

He was in anguish.

Merriam Webster defines anguish as “severe mental pain or distress preceded by a tragedy or event that has profound meaning to the being in question.”

This is where I was completely shook!

So, what was the tragedy causing Christ’s anguish?

Plain and simple…us choosing sin.

I believe Christ grieved for the loss of us who choose our sin instead of His love.

Oh! The heart ache, pain, loss and grief Christ suffered knowing some of His children would choose to walk away from the gift of His love to life everlasting.

How can we not be forever changed knowing that it wasn’t just a body dying on the cross, our Lord anguished in soul-crushing grief that many would be forever lost because of sin and a refusal of Him?

No wonder He was offered wine. Can’t you just feel His pain over the loss of even one child?  

Sisters, let us revisit the cross and accept the gift of love and forgiveness from our Lord. We are His daughters, beloved children of the Most High King and we are infinitely loved.

Romans 5:8-10 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.

More than anything I pray God would open your heart and your understanding that you might accept the profound love the Father has for you, His precious, beloved daughter.

Let’s talk about this:

Let’s say that you’re not quite sure that God loves you or maybe you feel that a previous choice somehow excludes you from the love and forgiveness of Christ, what then?

My first recommendation is to go back to the truth of God. What does the bible say about His love for you? What does God say about sin and separation and restoration?

You see, the world will tell you it’s an all or nothing, end-all-be-all situation, that if you don’t know God or you make choices that don’t align with His word, then you’re an outcast. So…not…true! God is in this for eternity. He wants to restore a relationship with you, and He provided the way through His Son, Jesus. You simply need only to confess your sins, share your need of Him and invite Him into your life. That’s it. The relationship is restored, forever. Your mistakes don’t exist and to top it off, He is waiting for you!

Sister, as I close this post I pray God’s love washes over you in such a way that will allow your heart to accept Him as your Lord and Savior. He died for you and I. We are His precious, beloved daughters and there is absolutely nothing in this world that we could do to get Him to stop loving us.

You are loved by God and I am praying for you every step of the way!

Your sister in Christ,

Sunday Afternoon Movie Review – Miss Potter

For anyone who has not seen this movie, get yourself a copy, grab a cuppa tea, sit back and enjoy a delightful 2 hours!

Honestly, this is one of the loveliest movies I have watched in a long time. It was sweet, heartfelt and engaging right until the very end.

Well done Renée Zellweger and Ewan McGregor, well done!

I stumbled upon Miss Potter through an email from PureFlix.com highlighting this week’s features. For those of you unfamiliar with Pureflix.com, think Nextflix without all the garbage; blood, guts, gore, nudity, etc. Pureflix.com is a movie membership channel that allow you to watch great clean movies, documentaries, VeggieTales and classic TV shows.

Back to Miss Potter, truth be told, I didn’t even know this movie existed, we’ll chalk it up to the fact that I don’t watch much cable!

However when the recommendation came through my email from PureFlix.com I jumped at the chance to watch it. I like both Renee and Ewan as actors so this was an easy one to say “yes” to but to honestly beyond who they are as actors I really had a very basic surface knowledge of who Beatrix Potter was and/or the children’s books she’d written. Maybe because I grew up reading Paddington Bear and Winnie the Poo, that I somehow missed Beatrix Potter’s stories, at any rate, I’m sorry I missed them in my younger years because truly Miss Potter had an excellent creative mind and artistic hand to create such lovely creatures as Peter Cottontail, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Jeremy Fisher and an entire host of delightful characters sure to delight children of all ages!

What captivated me about Miss Potter, was her life’s story. Born into an upper-middle class English family, Beatrix was afforded the great luxuries of traveling to Scotland, spending much time outdoors which only added to her love of animals, the countryside and fauna. This love of the outdoors not only spurred her imagination, allowing her to create an imaginary world filled with animal friends, it gave her the ability to transpose her thoughts into storylines and art.

Beatrix’s love for nature also carried on throughout her adult life where she created quite a name for herself through the study and artwork in mycology (the study of fungi) and through land preservation. Beatrix bought and later bequeathed over 4,000 acres of land to England’s National Trust for Places of Historic Interest.

What an amazingly creative brilliant woman! This movie depicts Beatrix’s talent, her love of nature, some of her heartaches and challenges and of course love.

I’ll watch this movie again and again because she inspired me. Beatrix, a woman in midst of the constraints of the English Victorian era found her voice, her talent and her skills and used them to not only better her own life but the lives of generations coming up behind her.

Well done Beatrix!

On a particularly enjoyable note were the tiny touches of her storybook characters, like Peter Rabbit coming to life through animation. They gave just enough of a visual to make us realize how real her characters were to her. It was as if in indeed they could jump off the pages of her books, wear delightfully smart looking jumpers and hats and engage with us, the audience as if they lived and breathed. These small touches endeared me to Beatrix as an artist and allowed me to see a glimmer of her heart as a naturalist and story teller.

This movie is an absolute keeper. A timeless story that each generation would do well to watch and learn from. The idea of following the passion set in your heart to pursue a career against societal norms, family approval and even tradition, to know that what you have to say is important and engaging to others is faultless. To further take your talent to better the world around you, is impeccable.

Until next time,

Best wishes,

Moving Forward – May Goals

I recently attended the Flourish Writers https://www.flourishwriters.com/ online conference and had the pleasure of listening to Jevon Bolden discuss her book, Pray, Hear, Write. Her words of encouragement inspired me to set goals in areas of my life that have become stagnant and to chase God-given dreams that have never seen the light of day.

So here we go…

I’ll be tracking 3 areas of my life: Health – Home – Writing

As a healthcare worker, the past year has taken its toll both mentally and physically so it’s time to lace up those walking shoes, pull out the blender, grab the Bellicon and get back on track!

Next, it’s time to plant a future harvest. If I’m learning anything about God’s word and the spread of COVID its the necessity to be wise in my harvesting both for now and in the future. One of the biggest blessings that came out of COVID was a love of gardening.

Now that the gardening season is upon us here in the Pacific Northwest and I have 2 dozen Roma tomato plants eager to sink deep into the composted soil. Oh my! Can you just imagine what my kitchen will look like in early October as I try to can up 50+ quarts of tomatoes??? I think I might have my mom fly in to help!

Finally, here’s my scariest goal: writing. Specifically my dream of becoming a published Inspirational fiction writer.

This last goal has been buried for many years and now it’s time to pull it our of obscurity, dust it off and breathe life back into what I believe God is calling me to do.

This dream came to life years ago when a good friend of mine got me hooked on reading light romance novels. There was one secular author in particular I really enjoyed because the story lines were strong, the characters had a good moral compass and there wasn’t anything graphic about the books. The only thing missing was God. But despite this one area, I’d finish reading one of her books and think,“This is what I want to do. I want to write.”

At the time, I didn’t know Christian fiction existed so I floundered in secular writing groups. I’d show up to the group wanting to write a great story with God being showcased and ended up leaving the because the of the huge amount of nastiness directed at my efforts, “my story was too sweet or not trashy enough.”

Eventually I shelved my books and focused on being a mom of littles. I figured…one day…

This month I’ll be using Jevon Bolden’s Pray Hear Write as a fasting resource to jump start my writing and then I’ll see what is an acceptable writing for subsequent months. Let’s face it, when you’re just starting out, who knows how much you can accomplish? One thing is for certain, “You’ll miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” ~ Wayne Gretzky

Stepping Out Isn’t Easy But God Knows The Way

Before I get started, my first real step is to seek the Lord. I don’t want these efforts to be self-gratifying. I want them to glorify the Lord. I want to look back on future successes and give Him all the praise! So each morning, again with Jevon’s chapter prompts I’ll be seeking the Lord for His wisdom and guidance.

Want to come along?

If you have goals, restarts, mulligans, do-overs that you want to reach, then join me! I love having company. Tell me what you’ll be working on so I can add you to my prayer list and we can hold one another accountable. We’re in it together my friend, and the good Lord willingly, there is a new beginning for each of us! Step up and step out, I’ll be cheering you onto the finish line!

May Goals


  • Exercise 3 times a week
  • Drink 72 ounces of water per day
  • Lose 3 pounds

Home & Garden

  • Time to get the garden planted – tomatoes, pole beans and herbs
  • Spring clean the house
  • Time away with The Hubs (1 small getaway & 1 Rail Trail ride)


  • 2 blog posts
  • 1 chapter outlined for the Daniel bible study
  • 2 Friday morning mini-bible studies
  • Edit chapters 1 & 2 in fictional book
  • Read 30 minutes each evening

Ok friends, those are those goals…let’s be real, those seem a bit hefty, and they might be. I’ll figure it out as I go along. Doesn’t God tell us that He wants us to live life abundantly? Doesn’t He say that He wants the best for us? Yes!

I’ll be praying for you as you step out in faith, listen to the Lord’s promptings and go for your goals.

May you achieve success in reaching and in failing because both bring knowledge and growth.

To God be the glory this month as we start anew!

Until next time,

Get To Steppin’

As an 80’s kid we used the phrase, “get to steppin'” when we wanted someone to know that they should move on, move out, move forward, get out of the way, or just get!

Movement is needed in my life. My family is at an age and stage where I’m not needed in the same capacity as I once was. There is more freedom and I have the ability to pursue one my dreams; writing inspirational fiction.

When the boys were small I dabbled in writing stories, entering them in contests, taking writing classes and participating in writing groups. Despite those efforts I always struggled with the feeling of choosing my writing or my family. Ultimately I chose to put my family first and to set aside my writing until now.

Here’s the problem, I’m frozen in my tracks. I’m feeling overwhelmed with the need for everything to be perfect and the pressure to perform, afterall, God has given me the time, tools and story ideas and I want to honor Him with my efforts.


So how do I get started?

God first.

Seeking the Lord is a must for me. I don’t want to take on this new venture without the Lord so I’m inviting Him in this venue just as I would in any other area of my life: marriage, kids, work, etc. I include Him in those areas, why not this? Besides, He promises to guide my steps.

This dream of being a published fiction author is scary. For some reason there seems to be more risk involved than even when I wanted to be a mother. Silly right?

Chasing this dream of being a published author is like climbing a new mountain. The terrain is unknown. There are bound to be skinned knees, trips, slips and falls and even major switchbacks.

Which causes fear to bubble up. All those questions of “can I do it? Will my writing be good enough have surfaced and stopped me in my tracks.”

My dream of wanting to be a published author seems to be wrapped up in insecurities, fears and the reality that it could all fail.

At the same time, it could soar, couldn’t it?

In life there are no guarantees, except one, if we don’t step out in faith to chase the dream God has placed in our hearts, then those dreams will die within us.

I don’t want that to happen, do you?

Friends, as we march forward into the new year, let’s walk together. I invite you to join me on this journey. Let’s share and encourage one another every step of the way.

I’ll be sharing monthly updates on my writing and I invite you to share your dreams and the steps you’re taking to step out in faith and follow God’s leading for your life.

I’ll be praying for us. May God lead our steps, guide our paths and forever be glorified through our obedience.

Until next time,

Walk With Me

Did Jesus walk fast?

I know this is hypothetical but bear with me for just a sec.

I work in a senior living community and my office is in the “back 40” which means I’m always clipping around the building from the front office to the service hallway and into residents rooms at a fairly quick pace.

Weather permitting I will walk around the outside of the building to get a breath of fresh air and clear my head from the stagnancy of working all day in a windowless room.

This morning as I made my way back to my office I noticed the sunshine and quickly detoured outside to catch sight of this:

I dead-stopped in my tracks, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Absolutely gorgeous.

In my moment of rest, with my face to the sky, enjoying the cool winter air, I relished these few moments of solitude and stillness when suddenly a thought ran through my brain, “did Jesus walk fast?”

The question caught me off guard so I took a few extra moments to soak in the sunshine and allow the question to percolate.

Am I so busy rushing through my day that I don’t walk with Jesus?


So far as I can tell from reading scripture, Jesus didn’t rush through His days. Instead, more times than not, He tarried with those who crossed His path, enjoying time spent with them, listening, healing, speaking truth into their lives.

How much more so are we to follow in His footsteps?

I began imagining myself walking with Jesus through my day. My pace slowed and I caught myself talking to Him more. Prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude bubbled to the surface. As I’d make my way around the workplace campus I observed those around me more, I stopped to chat, share a chuckle and a smile, offering help more than I normally would. Which eventually led to more prayers for those around me.

Conversations with the Lord were continual. In fact, the more I thought about “walking” with Jesus the more I prayed and shared my thoughts with Him.

When it came to clocking out for the evening, I looked in my rearview mirror of the days events and was stunned at all that had been done. For the first time in forever, I was amazed at the peace that encapsulated my entire day. Jesus had walked with me every step of the way and I felt His presence, heard His voice in a way I’d never stopped to enjoy.

Sometimes I lose track of my life and get caught up with the societal expectations that more work is better. Honestly, the only “more” that mattered was spending time with Jesus, keeping in step with His pace, which led to conversations, laughter and a workload I had not expected.

Years ago, a question was raised in our weekly bible study group that still sticks with me to this day, “Will you recognize Jesus when you get to heaven?” The answer I think is obvious: the more time I spend walking with Jesus allows me the opportunity to get to know the One who knows me best, so when the day comes I get to go home, I will instantly know my Lord.

These days my walking patterns have changed because of Who I’m walking with. I take note when I start zipping around the campus and realize its because I’m stressed and I’m trying to make things happen in my own time and will. This is when I step outside, take a deep breath and invite Jesus to lead the way.

Friends, I want to encourage you to walk with Jesus throughout your day. Trust me, it’ll change every single aspect of your life.

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? ~Micah 6:8

Until next time,

May God bless you and keep you safe,


Have you seen the One For Israel YouTube channel? Oh my! Those who share their stories mesmerize me with their transparency and joy in Christ.

Last week I watched Jonathan share his story of learning to forgive a man who tried to kill him. Jonathan endured a horrible beating, five and half months in a coma and waged the internal battle of doing as Christ commanded, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” ~ Matthew 5:44, or seeking full justice against the man who hurt him.

Jonathan suffered at the hand of a fellow officer, Korish, while they were both serving in the army. Legally Jonathan had every right to hold Korish accountable. With one word from Jonathan, Korish would be sentenced for decades for his ruthless behavior. Not only that, Jonathan stood to be financially compensated for his suffering. All Jonathan had to do was say the word, and he’d see justice served and compensation fill his bank account.

Enter Jesus.

As Jonathan struggled to make the right decision, Jesus began changing the lives of many of Jonathan’s family members to the degree that Jonathan also started seeking Jesus and reading the bible. One day as Jonathan studied his bible he came across the Parable Of The Unforgiving Servant, (Matthew 18:21-35). Jesus told shared this parable to remind his listeners that we are all called to forgive, just as we are forgiven.

What an incredible emotional, psychological and spiritual battle Jonathan must have gone through. Can you imagine walking in his shoes?

The world screams for punishment of the foe and reparation for the injured. Jesus encourages forgiveness for all.

Jonathan’s story resonated with me is because, truth be told, there are a few people in my past whose memory make me cringe because of the pain associated with them. At the same time, my mistakes have caused others pain and to think of them now, I’m ashamed to admit the truth.

I wonder if Jonathan’s story resonates deep within you also. Maybe you’ve been horribly wronged and now you want restitution, payment of some sort. Or maybe you’ve walked in Korish’s shoes and you’ve hurt another person and are desperate for forgiveness, to make amends.

What should we do? Neither decision is easy to make. To whom shall we turn to ease our hearts, to free us from the pain?


Jesus teaches us to forgive just as have been forgiven. Yes, there are times when forgiving and seeking forgiveness feels impossible. But it’s not impossible. God says, “all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us.”

So today my friend, I pray you will find peace through Christ just as Jonathan has done. Seek to forgive and to be forgiven. If you don’t know the first step to take, seek the Lord, He will guide your footsteps towards healing.

I am praying for us both. Because I too need to forgive and be forgiven. Together let us boldly approach the throne of God and seek His holy face and may we be forever changed for His glory.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” ~ Matthew 7:7-8

For those who would like to view Jonathan’s full testimony please enjoy the attached video and may you be blessed.

Until we meet again, may God bless and keep you,

Empty Envelopes

Bah humbug!

The Covid Grinch has dashed our dreams of reconnecting our senior living community residents with their loved ones this holiday season. We are in a Covid hotspot and because of state restrictions, no one except medical staff are permitted inside the building until after the New Year. Which means, I have the pleasure of hand delivering resident mail to their rooms.

When I first started passing out resident mail I was certain that due to the impact of Covid and limited family visits, there’d be tons of cards, letters and packages delivered this holiday season.

Boy, was I was wrong.

As I sorted each person’s mail, I began to notice a pattern in who received mail and those who did not. Amazingly enough, only 10% of our residents consistently received and sent multiple letters each day.

I noticed something else, those who had the most incoming and outgoing mail were Believers. Because of my tenure I knew that these were the same folks who were always seen connecting with their neighbors and staff members within the community. What I was seeing played out in mail delivery confirmed one thing, these folks were walking out their faith in one of the few ways left available to them, snail mail.

Which led me to reflect on my own life and ask, do I live out my life for others to see Jesus in me?

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying we should act so as to garner praise from man. Loving Jesus means loving our neighbors by first seeking a relationship with Him. The more we spend time with Jesus the more He changes our lives, which in turn impacts those around us.

I believe Jesus works in our hearts and lives so that when we follow His leading to show encouragement, love and support, we do so in a manner that reflects our Lord.

Working in senior health care has given me the opportunity to put on the “fast forward 30 years…” lenses. This unique view allows me to pay attention to the lives I serve and to understand the value of choices and consequences. I’ve watched for years, those who believe God has a plan for their lives, make an impact for Him, by connecting with loved ones and community members whether it through a kind word or by sending out letters.

It’s true!

On the other hand, those who choose to isolate themselves from Jesus and the world tend to live a life of depression, loneliness and fear. Their choices cause them to walk forward into the latter chapter of their lives angry, bitter, frustrated and often alone.

Oh how I wish they knew the hope, the joy that comes from knowing Jesus!

Do you remember the AT&T commercials called “Reach out and touch someone?” The jingle was a cheery reminder to pick up the phone and call your loved one.

Learning to be a good friend, seeking opportunities to surround ourselves with a community, be it small or large, is one of God’s commandments for us as Believers and it’s also good for the soul.

Friends, we need each other. God designed us for community and relationship, first with Him and then with everyone He places in our lives, now and into our 80’s, 90’s and beyond!

My encouragement to you today is this:

Grab your bible and read, worship, pray, meditate and give thanks to the Lord above for all He has done. You are blessed!

Next, ask God to bring to mind those who need a friend. Maybe there’s a neighbor, niece, grandchild or a friend of a friend who’s going through a tough time. Send them a card letting them you know you are praying for them. Send them a copy of an article you’ve read that reminds you of them. What about forwarding a coloring page to complete that has a bible verse printed on it? Here is one of my favorites https://karladornacher.com/freebies/

Friends, there are a multitude of ways we can love our neighbor but let it begin with Jesus. Seek Him first, ask Him to lead you and to show you how to help your fellow man.

Lastly, be the example. Share God’s love with those in your life, whether its a kind word to the grocery clerk, mailman or your neighbor. Send encouraging notes, cards or an email. Make the phone call. Whatever it takes within safe reason, do so, remembering that God designed us for community.

In closing, I want you to know, I am praying for you and asking the good Lord to keep you safe, meet your needs and bless your life.

Until we visit again,

Merry Christmas my friend!
Stay safe and love God!

The Goodness and Sovereignty of God

This morning as I waited for our church’s online service to begin I scrolled through social media and one post in particular caught my eye because it mentioned God’s comfort for His people found in Isaiah 40.

In light of the COVID-19 virus and the high-alert we are living in at the moment, comfort seems to be in short supply lately.

Maybe that’s part of the problem. Our desire for our own comfort. In this day and age, our lives revolve around comfort. As I’m making dinner, I joke to my family about the commercials I see on tv because I am reminded that we are being programmed to believe it is our absolute right to sit on the couch, dial a number and wait to have, of all else, fast food, delivered to our doorstep.

Oh what a world we live in!

Convenience for convenience sake is mandatory.

Too tired to go through a drive-thru? No worries, push a button and 15 minutes later its at your doorstep.

Don’t want to lock your doors? That’s ok, an app connected to your home’s security system will do the trick.

What about cleaning? We’ve got you covered there too, a little programming and voila! your robotic sweeper will get your dust bunnies out the door before you ever step foot inside your home.

We are a people that demands ease. We crave it. We live for it. And frankly, I’m not so sure many of us really know how to live without it.

So when a pandemic hits out lives, our comfort is disrupted and complete chaos ensues.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against apps or programs that aid in our existence. But not to the extent that we forget who God is or worse, start believing that we are our own god. The captain of our own lives without recourse or accountability.

Yet, that’s where I think that’s the road we’re walking.

I for one, don’t want to join the masses.

Not joining in the crowds doesn’t mean my life isn’t effected by pain, heartache and viral pandemics. It is.

In fact, I work for a senior living, so yes, I’ve been living, working and navigating quarantines, fear-riddled residents and fielding nervous family members on how and what our facility is doing to keep everyone safe, all the while, washing my hands, sanitizing every surface and screening every delivery person that comes to the door.

And yet, I find myself at peace.

How is that possible? where does my comfort, peace and thanksgiving come from?

Only One. Jesus.

In fact, as I turned the pages of my bible to Isaiah 40, one verse in particular resonated with me this morning, Isaiah 40:11, “He tends His flock like a shepherd, He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.”

Now maybe it’s because I am a momma and I love how we are told God carries us close to His heart. There is something so tender about these verses and knowing that God, in His infinite love, grace and wisdom, holds us, reminds me that we are loved by God the Father.

The imagery this verse conjures, for me is sweet, precious and tender. A gentle reminder that God is caring for us always. That He loves us so much that He tends to our needs, protecting us from danger, showing us the way to walk through this life in safety and trust in Him.

I am humbled to know that God carries me close to His heart. Just like a momma with her child, God is ever mindful of our every need and quick to provide.

Today I want to leave you with that image and His words of truth and promise.

We serve a mighty God. Our everlasting Savior and loving Shepherd looks out for us, now in this distressing time and always.

So dear friends, my prayer is this, may you rest in the arms of your Lord and Savior. Trust that He will carry you, lead you and provide for you as only He can because He knows you so well.

Until next time,
I am praying for you,