Watch God Work


I’ve gotta share this with you, because I have sneaky suspicion that you just might this reminder as much as I do, right now.

  1. God is with you. ~Matt 28:20
  2. God sees you. ~ Psalm 139:1-24
  3. God loves you. ~Genesis – Revelation

I need to focus on God’s promises right now.

Why? Because life came at me this week like a hurricane. One challenge after another pounded my life, stripping me of peace, carrying one emotional gale after another.  Poor eating habits, and stress induced insomnia only compounded what I was facing, so that by the end of 10 days I was completely spent.

Seriously, at one point I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t even cry.

Yet with each situation, I knew I had to make a choice on how I would walk through each one. Was I going to cave into the emotions and wallow in anger and pity? I could. No one would blame me. After all, everyone one of the situations that happened was completely out of my control and unfair.

On the other hand, I could make the choice to feel the pain and at the same time, proceed in faith by taking hold of God’s hand and rely on His direction and provision.

I was in the middle of a crossroads and the choice was mine.

Lean into my own understanding and do things my way to resolve the issues at hand, or lean into God and trust Him with everything.

Sisters, you must know that a war is waging in the heavenlies for your souls. When our hearts are tender from hurtful words, tears are spilled and emotions are surface thin, we need to recognize our vulnerability and turn to God in prayer and praise, like never before.

Not only for ourselves, but also for the ones who have hurt us. Everyone needs God’s protection. Everyone needs His healing. Everyone needs His love.

As daughters of the Most High King, we are called to walk differently than that of the world.

How do we do that when our hearts are splayed open with pain? How do we love those who have hurt us and still walk forward with God?

We take His hand. We release our pain to Him. We say Thank You Lord. And we place our trust in God for all that is happening even when absolutely nothing makes sense.

Now I agree with you, singing God’s praises in the midst of heartache doesn’t sound feasible. But it is possible, with practice.

In thanksgiving we are focusing on His purpose, His plan, His timing in our pain and we’re asking Him to make sense out of senselessness and we are focusing on all that He is and is capable of doing in our lives.

By doing so, we are walking away from the vulnerability and trap the evil one tries to set for us based on emotions and we’re building a closer relationship with God.

I get it. It doesn’t make sense. But just once, when you’re at your lowest, try pouring out your pain and your thanksgiving, and watch how He changes you.

One of the first things I’ve experienced in taking my own advice is an increased gentle peace while I grieved. The second, is a deeper relationship with the Lord.

I have found that by making God the focus, instead of focusing on my pain, it has helped me trust God even when I have no answers. The more time I spend with God, the more He speaks to my heart, reminding me of His never ending love and the promise that I’d never be alone.

If I could offer a word of encouragement, it is this – make room for God. Let Him into your life right this moment. Start building a relationship with the Holy One who loves you more than you could ever love yourself and choose to walk forward in your faith. You will find in the end a closer walk with the Lord, and a faith walk that has been enriched by your heartache and healing.

God is waiting for you to let Him into the pain.

Can you do that? Can you trust God with your deepest heartaches and your praises?

Will you make the conscious choice to allow God to turn all things around in His timing and ways?

In the many times life has punched me in the gut, I knew if I cried out for help, God would be there.

I can look back at my life now and see the many ways God was actively working through my pain to bring me healing. By trusting God, He has proven himself as trustworthy a million times over.

So stand firm in His name sister. Allow Him into your life. Put your tears, your anger, distrust and grief in His hands and allow Him to keep His promises in your life. He loves you!

Walking with you in prayer & promise,

Step Into The Valley Unafraid

During my prayer time today God led me to Ezekial 37, The Valley of Dry Bones.  Today, I believe God wanted to remind me that I am always walking in the Valley of Dry Bones.

We all are.

In every area of lives there are those who desperately need to hear the word of God.

I’m one of them.

Every day I need the refreshment of God’s promises of love, the reassurance He’ll never leave my side, that He’s right there in the thick of things in my  life and He’ll never, ever let me go.

I am a sinner. Plain and simple. I need Christ more today than I ever have. 

Each day brings forth its own set of challenges. Things that I cannot handle on my own. I have aging parents that live 1500 miles away and I’m helpless to meet their needs.

I have grown children who make decisions that make my stomach clench in knots and cause sleepless nights, soul exhaustion and plenty of gray hair!

I am surrounded by those who openly oppose the Lord and challenge me each time they see the cross I wear around my neck. It’s draining.

And yet, I truly believe that I am right where the good Lord wants me.

What about you? Do you feel so alone you might as well be in the Mojave Desert with the hot winds of isolation, the heat of fear pounding down, sapping every ounce of strength, leaving behind exhaustion and thirst for a better tomorrow?

Maybe you are so broken, tears no longer fall.

Friend – God is with you. He loves you.

Do you believe that truth?

God asks Ezekial, “Son of man, can these bones live?”  Ezekial answers, “O Sovereign Lord, only You know.”

Let me ask you, “Do you believe God can breathe life back into you?”

Lord only You know.

It’s not a matter of if,  it’s a matter of will He?

There are people, places, things in our lives that God may not revive or restore to us. Such as a toxic abusive relationship. Or maybe a great job was taken from you due to a company restructuring and the timing couldn’t be worse because your rent went up $200,  your child fell at school and busted his front teeth and needs $1000 worth of dental work and your car needs a new battery. Or what if your baby girl just lost her battle with leukemia, the funeral is set for Saturday and you don’t have the will to get out of bed or to run a comb through your hair because the pain is so deep, so raw, you can’t breathe.

Is God in those moments? Can God take our broken, dry bones and breathe life back into them again?

Only God knows if those barren places are where He will choose to open the gates of living, refreshing water of life.

Do you trust Him to do so? Or maybe an even bigger question is, do you trust Him not to? Neither answer is easy and yet, either way, trust is involved. I want to encourage you to step out of your pain, your fear, your worry and let God be God in your life.

Trust your heart to the Lord and then ask Him to keep His promises over you, to heal and protect you and to breathe the His holy healing breath over your life. It’s ok to ask. It’s ok to accept. It’s ok to be loved by the Father.

My prayer for you is that you would indeed call out to God and allow Him the opportunity to show His love for you.

You Are Loved By God!

Your friend in Christ Jesus,
